27 January 2009

Nothing new thus far. School is on the move and gaining in the homework area fast. I have had a few recent calls from people wanting to have portraits done after I graduate which is so awesome!! Keep them coming, and I hope that I will be fortunate enough to paint Stephs nursery at her house this summer also!! You can see her progress on how the baby is doing on her page, she is a follower of my blog! Still working on a few pieces, hoping to unvail them to you guys soon!

18 January 2009

The first week of the last semester at school!!!

What can I say I'm so ready to be done with school and be able to work and paint on my own time!!!!

11 January 2009

I hope they like it!

"Cooper" Graphite on bristol, 2009. Copyright Tera Reed 2009

Finally finished with Duane's picture of his son. Hope everyone enjoys, he's so adorable.

09 January 2009

An almost done picture....

Florence, Italy, street artist: So the week is long and never ending! But to keep busy I am creating a photo album of the images I got in Italy. For those of you who love a good photo album, but hate the time that it takes to scrapbook them you need to check out http://www.mpix.com/ I order all my images from them and also my great new album, they're super nice and really inexpensive. I'm also working on a drawing for a co-worker of his little boy. I hope to have images up for everyone on Sunday of the drawing. On the engagement front, we aren't planning too much yet, we're going to wait until graduation for Jason next December and then get a start on things, although I am checking things out and finding great ideas!!!